The key revolution in digital dentistry is the invention of the intra-oral digital scanner which has revolutionise what impression we can take of the teeth and all other anatomical structures in the mouth.
The scan means no more messy alginates and expensive viscoelastic impressions, no more gaggings and discomfort for the patient, no more plaster models and wastes. Produce accurate results with no bubbling of voids in the final casts as well as waiting for the laboratory boys to pickup the cases.
However with new technologies, there are always the hindrance in embracing new method of established and comfortable workflow. Namely, money to invest in the new technology, effort to take up new skills and time to convert to digital workflow. Financial investment is probably the biggest challenge as the cost of the ownership could range from RM200,000 to RM800,000 for a complete digital system.
Dentadrone is an organisation which will charter or lend you the Trios 3 Shape scanner to your clinic at a minimal cost. It will have full tech support and ensure that you will have your scan done, electronic transfer of scan and deliver quality dental products on time and at affordable rates.
The Doctor (DR) has a consultation with patient. Patients agree to proceed with digital solution
Consultation with DR over phone/Whatsapp/email with Digital Engineer (DE)
DR book an appointment for DE for the Trios 3Shape Scanner
Scanner comes with DE on the day of procedure
DR does the procedure (Cut crown/Bridge)
DE helps DR to Scan patient
DE send data electronically with Homebase Lab
HomeBase lab immediate construct the crown digitally
Crown is ready at HomeBase Laboratory and immediately sent back to DR
Expect a turnaround time of about 96 hours (4 days) from scanning to delivery
Trios 3 Shape scanner to your clinic at a minimal cost
DentaDrone 2018